City of Providence
Mayor Brett Smiley

Owner Occupied Certification

Step 1 of 4

Please prepare to upload 2 forms of proof.
  1. RI license or State ID (City- ID also accepted)
  2. One of the below documents will be accepted. (Please redact private information)
    • Bank Statement (last 30 days)
    • Morgage Statement (last 30 days)
    • Paystub (last 30 days)
    • Formal state or federal document (i.e., Social Security statement, Medicare, or Medicaid)
I hereby declare that my residence in the City of Providence constitutes my predominant and principal home. I intend to continue it to be permanently as such, and at the time of making this declaration, I am a bona fide resident of the City of Providence.

Property ID
Enter the Property ID as provided to you on the letter mailed to you. If you do not know it you can look your property up here.
Property ID example: 77260. Should be numbers only and no longer than 5 digits.